Seit Jahren sieht, lest, hört man immer was von den VMG Blade Fins (kommen aus Australien)… jetzt haben wir sie endlich im Shop. 


Wenn man schaut wer aller von den Pro SUP Racer die Finne drauf hat, dann kann man schon was erwarten von den Finnen. 


Why VMG Blades Mako fins?
  • High quality carbon construction
  • Ultra light – so light they float
  • Prolonged glide – optimised foil decreases drag
  • Innovative leading edge R&D
  • VMG gets you across the finish line faster

How to choose my fin?

  1. What do you want most out of a fin - Speed, Stability or Agility?
  2. Which conditions or Events will you predominantly use the fin?
  3. How much stability do you Need?

Testbericht:  Nach einigen Wochen und vielen km mit allen Finnen und verschieden Boards mit breiten von 21,5 aufwärts bis zum ISUP muss ich sagen die Finnen sind wirklich sehr geil!

Als erstes fällt auf das sie zb. zu den Future Fins die ich Jahre Lange und 1000km gepaddelt bin, einfach zu turnen sind und obwohl sie von der Fläche kleiner sind auch mindestens so Stabil sind - was ein großer Vorteil ist.... weniger Fläche sollte auch Schneller sein!  Die 28er zb. hab ich am Anfang gar nicht verwendet weil wenn man die sieht einfach sehr sehr klein ist im Vergleich zu dem was ich bis jetzt gepaddelt bin (meistens 40 oder44er flächen). Aber ich hab sie dann probiert in den verschiedensten Bedingungen und war begeistert! Ab dann hab ich sie fix auf meinem RS14x23 montiert und paddle bei allen Bedingungen damit - genial. Die TimeTrail40 = Speed race Finne hab ich auf meinem RS14x21,5 drauf und das harmoniert Total und fahre auch damit bei allen Bedingungen! Zum Downwinden gefällt mir aber die Mako 35 wieder am besten.... Stabil und trotzdem sehr drehfreudig mit genug Spurtreue. Die 37er wäre dann einfach die noch stabilere Variante.  Die 44er ist der BigBrother. Entweder wenn wer wirklich mehr Stabilität braucht weil sein board zu kippelig ist oder auch auf 12,6er boards.


Fazit: sie sind bestimmt nicht die Billigsten aber wer sein Board noch aufpimpen will jeden Cent Wert! Man wird es nicht bereuen!   

VMG "Mako XW"

SUP racing fin built to cover all conditions.


Style: Pure speed racing
Intended Conditions: Built for speed and tracking
Closed waters
Small bumps
Competition Type: Sprints / Time Trial
Harbour / River Marathons
Surface Area (in2): 36  
Weight (g): 140  
Length (mm): 190  
Width (mm): 180

Mako XW was designed for Bruno Hasulyo to race and win the Ultra Endurance 11 Cities race.  It was successful in it’s first outing taking Bruno to victory.

Designed to work in a wide range of conditions, flatwater, crosswind, small bumps, surf and where there is excessive weed.

The Mako XW has a wide chord near the base which maximizes your strokes on each side, combined with the light weight, short length, optimized foil design and thickness ratio, it allows the board to accelerate quickly, and maintain a super fast glide. The rake of this fin has been optimized to shed all weed and debris in the water without exception.

169,99 €
In den Warenkorb
  • verfügbar / on stock
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1
VMG "TimeTrial" new


Style: Pure speed racing
Intended Conditions: Built for speed and tracking
Closed waters
Competition Type: Sprints / Time Trial
Harbour / River Marathons
Surface Area (in2): 40  
Weight (g): 140  
Length (mm): 190  
Width (mm): 164

Mako Time Trial built for speed and tracking. The Ultimate in performance racing.

The Mako Time Trial has a wide chord near the base which maximizes your strokes on each side, combined with the light weight, short length, optimized foil design and thickness ratio, it allows the board to accelerate quickly, and maintain a super fast glide.

As with all of our fins, this design is efficient at shedding weed, so you confidently know that nothing is holding you back.

Now with the VMG blades Fin Lock and Multipin system.



169,99 €
In den Warenkorb
  • leider ausverkauft / sold out
VMG "Mako 35" new


Style: Maximum Manoeuvrability
Intended Conditions: Built for tight buoy turns
Surf / Open waters
Competition Type: Technical Racing / BOP
Downwind Racing
Surface Area (in2): 35  
Weight (g): 149  
Length (mm): 210  
Width (mm): 155

Mako 35 is agile, for the tightest bouy turns, downwinding and BOP racing.

The outline has been optimized for maximum agility, and low drag.

 The light weight, mid length, narrow width, and optimized foil design and thickness ratio allows the board to spin on a dime, accelerate quickly, and get you on more bumps and stay on them longer.


The fin with maximum agility, cutting the tightest turns, and letting you place your board exactly where you want it.

As with all of our fins, this design is efficient at shedding weed, so you confidently know that nothing is holding you back.


Now with the VMG blades Fin Lock and Multipin system.



169,99 €
In den Warenkorb
  • verfügbar / on stock
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit1
VMG "Mako37" new


Style: Ultimate downwinding
Intended Conditions: Follows the runners
Versatile and agile
Competition Type: Downwind / Marathons
Best All Rounder
Surface Area (in2): 37  
Weight (g): 152  
Length (mm): 210  
Width (mm): 180

Mako 37 is versatile and agile, follows the runners and carves through surf.

The outline has been optimized for the perfect combination of small bump agility, surfing waves and straight line stability without locking you in.


The light weight, mid length/width, and optimized foil design and thickness ratio allows the board to accelerate quickly,  getting you on more bumps and staying on them longer.

The fin with all round ability for downwind paddling, surfing or flatwater racing.


As with all of our fins, this design is efficient at shedding weed, so you confidently know that nothing is holding you back.

Now with the VMG blades Fin Lock and Multipin system.



169,99 €
In den Warenkorb
  • leider ausverkauft / sold out
VMG "Mako 28" new


The team demanded even more responsiveness, tighter turns, more agility, more surfing, and as a result we put the Mako 28 into production, and we were very quickly rewarded with a World Championship. The outline has been optimized for maximum agility, and low drag.


The light weight, short length, narrow width, and optimized foil design and thickness ratio allows you to surf your raceboard like never before, spin on a dime, accelerate quickly, and get you on more bumps and stay on them longer.


The fin with maximum agility, cutting the tightest turns, and letting you place your board exactly where you want it.


As with all of our fins, this design is efficient at shedding weed, so you confidently know that nothing is holding you back.


Now with the VMG blades Fin Lock and Multipin system.



169,99 €
In den Warenkorb
  • leider ausverkauft / sold out
VMG "Mako 44"
Style: Rough condition stabiliser
Intended Conditions: Stabilises your ride
Rough water
Challenging chop
Competition Type: Challenging Endurance
Surface Area (in2): 44  
Weight (g): 164  
Length (mm): 240  
Width (mm): 180

Mako 44 stabilises your ride in demanding conditions.

This fin is based on the same concept as the Mako 37 but with an extra 20 mm of length to increase your board stability.

The outline has been optimized for the perfect combination of stability, catching bumps, surfing waves and straight line stability without locking you in.

The light weight, extra length, mid width, and optimized foil design and thickness ratio allows the board to accelerate quickly,  getting you on more bumps and staying on them longer.

The fin which adds stability for downwind paddling, surfing or flatwater racing.

As with all of our fins, this design is efficient at shedding weed, so you confidently know that nothing is holding you back.

169,99 €
In den Warenkorb
  • leider ausverkauft / sold out

Die Tasche für die Finne ist Qualitativ auch richtig gut und schön gemacht!


Tel. 0043 676 5405502



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